Oxfordian College

About Course

Oxfordian College is offering Level 5 Diploma in Computing (with Cyber Security) (L5DC CS), previously known as the Level 5 Diploma in Cyber Security (L5DCS), constitutes the second year of the NCC Education degree program, building upon the knowledge acquired during the Level 4 Diploma in Computing (L4DC). This specialized qualification is crafted to cultivate the expert skills necessary to safeguard and secure data systems amid the escalating threats in today’s dynamic digital society.

Through a combination of academic and vocational learning, students acquire the essential knowledge and skills vital for various cyber-security job roles. 

Upon successful completion of the qualification, students are well-prepared to directly pursue a career in the field of cyber security. Alternatively, they have the option to advance to the final year of a degree program at numerous universities that recognize NCC Education qualifications.

L5DC CS students are required to complete six units comprising of five core units and one of the two elective units:
• Business IT Project: (Unit 1 core) – This unit provides students with the opportunity to gain practical experience in developing system solutions to open-ended problems derived from the real world.
• Information Systems Analysis: (Unit 2 core) – This unit equips students with a range of tools to analyse the function and requirements of information systems, as well as the skills to compare systems analysis models and to examine them in the wider context of the Internet and the social, economic and political climate of an organisation.
• Network Security Threats and Defence Mechanisms *: (Unit 3 core) – Provides students with the skills to eliminate or reduce the risks associated with network vulnerability and protects valuable information held by organisations.
• Computer Forensics and Incident Investigation *: (Unit 4 core) – Understanding the investigation requirements and prosecution of cyber criminals. Students will learn the necessary processes required for the acquisition, inspection, and reporting of information stored across computer networks related to criminal incidents.
• Ethical Hacking and Information Security Assessments *: (Unit 5 core) – Understanding of the concept of ‘ethical’ hacking and the essential elements; such as information security, threats and attack vectors of information security, hacking and ethical hacking concepts including risk management.
• Professional Issues in IT: (1 elective) – This unit highlights the professional issues that impact the development, deployment, maintenance and use of computer systems. It equips students with the knowledge surrounding social, ethical and legal issues applicable to the IT field and also a working understanding of software quality. It is recommended that students take this unit if they have progressed from the L4DC(BM).
• Analysis, Design and Implementation: (2 elective) – Provides students with in-depth knowledge, skills and experience in the use of object-oriented techniques for the development of software. The unit also develops expertise in object-oriented analysis, design and coding, and the testing of systems.

More information: 


After your NCC Level 4 & 5 the following universities guarantee a place to NCC students.
▪ Bangor University
▪ Birmingham City University
▪ Carroll University
▪ CQUniversity
▪ Liverpool Hope University
▪ National College of Ireland
Applications may be subject to minimum entry requirements. Oxfordian College however provides guidance and counselling to its students for this exclusively.
In addition, students may choose to apply to other universities of choice.

More information: https://www.nccedu.com/university-progression/



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